I don’t know about you but every time there is a family gathering I try to explain what I do. Some of it is easy. Marketing – most everyone basically understands what that is. Where it all comes apart is when I try to explain what The Community Roundtable does to a multi-generational audience whose adoption of tech is quite varied (understatement).
So with Thanksgiving looming I was talking with a friend recently and she said she sends the higher ups at her office tidbits on what’s going on with the very technical work she’s doing. She knows they don’t really understand it but they need to be able to give updates on the projects in everyday English. She calls it cocktail chatter.
And as I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in the social media and community management space with regard to this challenge, I thought we could try that here.
TheCR marketing speak:
The Community Roundtable is dedicated to advancing the business of community. We provide education, training, and advisory services to community and social business leaders.
Translation for Aunt Edna:
I work for The Community Roundtable, a company that helps business people be better at listening to and talking with their customers, employees and the public so they can sell more products.
Do you think Aunt Edna will understand? Any tips to help?
I’ll let you know how it goes. If you work in the online community space, how do you explain what you do to your aunt? We would love to hear!