Want to level up your community and your career?
Join The Network, and in addition to exclusive access to trusted research, resources, tools, and programming you can take every course in The Academy for free (a $495 value each!) Learn more.
Our State of Community Management research demonstrates it clearly:
Investing in professional development is one of the most powerful ways to strengthen your community management.
Our online and in-person community management training opportunities offer growth opportunities for every level of community professional.
Introduction to Community Models and Frameworks
Our community management models and frameworks provide research-backed structures for understanding, planning, expectation setting, and measurement in online community, collaboration, and change management programs.
This short, on-demand course gives learners a comprehensive overview of the four frameworks and models that form the foundation of successful community programs.
Complete this course in TheCR Academy to receive your certification in Community Models and Frameworks. Start now.
Community Management Fundamentals Training
The Community Roundtable’s Community Management Fundamentals training for new community managers outlines the scope of the community manager role in external and internal communities and provides prescriptive approaches for successful community management.
Community Management 101 for Associations
The Community Roundtable’s Community Management 101 for Associations Course outlines the scope of the community manager role in association communities and provides prescriptive approaches for successful community management.
Learning objectives for this self-directed online course include:
- Recognize and implement strategies and tactics for advocacy (including leadership development)
- Identify how online community programs help associations promote change and innovation
- Understand the role of an online community as a knowledge resource center
- Develop ways to maximize an online community program as a productive communications channel for members, volunteers, stakeholders, and employees.
Community Program Essentials
The course is aimed at professionals looking to grow their community program management skills and focuses on creating the strategic, operational, and technical elements to make communities succeed within the larger organizational context.
This version of the Community Program Essentials course is intended for self-paced learning that can easily be completed in 4-6 weeks. You'll work through the modules and worksheets on your own, and on your schedule.
Quick Learn Courses
Tackle your most pressing community challenges - fast.
Level up your community management skills with these Quick Learn Courses. Each targeted community manager training course is less than 30 minutes, and leaves you with tactical skills to improve your online community program.

Social Executive
The CR’s Social Executive Shorts is a video series designed to help executives make the most of social tools and online communities. This course material is intended for use as part of an executive coaching program.
In-person, online and enterprise advisory and training opportunities are available for community teams. Our clients benefit from the years of research and community experience only we can provide.
Professional Development
TheCR Network is an effective and cost-friendly professional development plan. Network members get exclusive access to live programming, TheCR Library and a powerful network of global community professionals.
Why work with The Community Roundtable?