It’s that time of year again where there will be a lot said about what may happen next year in social business and community management. We’re not quite ready to post our thoughts here yet, that will come after our December 20th TheCR Network weekly call.
But here are a few predicted trends that have surfaced over the last year that we are still thinking over and discussing with our community.
Outsourcing Community Management – Jeremiah Owyang from Altimeter will be on with our CR Network members today expanding on an article he wrote back in August. Based on some of the materials he’s shared already this is sure to be a lively discussion. Will it become a trend? We’re not sure yet. We’ll let you know what those who practice and lead community management teams think.
Internal Email Overload – One that we’ve been thinking a lot about is email. Whether or not the overwhelming amount of it that we receive each day needs to be thought of and managed differently. And apparently we are not alone in our thinking. There is talk of whether or not internal email should be banned and one company who plans to do so over the next few years. And especially for those of us who work collaboratively in a networked business – isn’t there a better way?
Blurring between Customers and Employees – We explored this last week with the community professionals at Google. They talked to our members about how Google rewards heavy users and turns them into advocates to help customers while also helping Google engineers with product improvements.
What trends are you still thinking/talking about this year? Do you have any predictions yet for 2012?
As keeping up with all these trend articles can become overwhelming, we are going to post the ones we’re reading here. Feel free to to revisit this post often in the next few weeks to stay informed.
Social Business Predictions for 2012
IBM’s Social Business Predictions for 2012 (spoiler Community Managers Rule!)
3 Critical Social Business Trends to Watch in 2012
Social Media Marketing: 5 Predictions for 2012
12 Themes for the 2012: what we can expect for the year ahead
The Community Roundtable is committed to advancing the business of community. We offer a monthly subscription report, a membership based peer network, a community management training program and advisory services for corporations and individuals.