By Hillary Boucher, Community Manager of TheCR Network

And lest we forget SXSW! Many of our members rendezvoused in Austin earlier this month. That’s our fearless co-founder, Jim Storer, on the left.
As promised, I am back to share a snapshot of what went on inside TheCR Network this month. In February, I gave a pretty extensive overview of our regular programming, content offerings, and range of conversations that take place over the course of one month. Today, I picked out highlights from March:
- Community Manager Exit Strategy (Discussion). A good community manager builds real and solid relationships with their community members. But what happens when you change roles or companies? Members are discussing the proper etiquette of saying good-bye to your community and the best practices to ensure clear communication and a clean hand off to the new community manager. It was particularly helpful (and touching) to have a member share the private message she posted to her super-user program members and the the public announcement she made when she left her community of two years to start a new role.
- How to Build a Mentor Program (Case Study). Earlier this month we had a TheCR Network member share an excellent case study on a live, virtual Roundtable call. We got an extensive overview of this member’s adventures in building a traditional mentoring program within her community. In the past we have discussed the merits of reverse mentoring program, but this dive into a traditional mentor program was a popular and well-received case study.
- Best Practices for B2B Customer Engagement (Live Virtual Roundtable Session). We find that our members who manage B2B customer and partner communities come up against some specific engagement challenges that are different than their consumer facing counterparts. Tomorrow we have an experienced member sharing his more successful engagement strategies for B2B communities and facilitating a discussion amongst our practitioner participants to gather the group’s collective wisdom on the subject. A true meeting of the minds!
This is only a small sampling of the events and discussions that took place this past month. I’d love to hear your top priorities and topics of interest from this past month in the comments. If you are anything like our members, I bet you were juggling a full plate. Tell us about it!
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