In case you missed it Rachel Happe was on SAP Radio last week along with Mark Yolton of SAP and Sean O’Driscoll of Ant’s Eye View. It was quite a lively discussion and makes for a great listen during your commute or lunch hour.
Some of the topics discussed in depth include:
– Why communities?
– How is storytelling related to online community management?
– How digital storytelling is different and more participatory than traditional storytelling.
– Why it’s not about B2C or B2B but about BtoP – Business to Person.
– How to empower your customers to tell your story with great examples of brands who have done so successfully
The Community Roundtable works with organizations in all stages of their social and community strategy from initial planning through building out a team to implementing the strategy to educating executive stakeholders and connecting organizations with experts and peers who may have experienced similar bumps or mountains in the road along the way to becoming a social business.
Our services include online training, a membership based peer to peer network, a monthly report subscription curating important content to stay abreast of, custom advisory workshops and groundbreaking research.
Please let us know if you have any questions for us…we’d love to hear what your biggest challenge is right now!