By Ted McEnroe, Head of Research, The Community Roundtable
In D.C., there is something known as “the Washington Read.” When a new book comes out, you flip straight to the index and see if you were mentioned (for good or bad). The closest equivalent in TheCR world is in the Community Careers and Compensation report, where people flip to the salary chart and say, “How do I stack up?” Then they look at the upper tiers and add, “…And how do I get there???”
There’s no magic bullet – but the good news is there is evidence that you can get there.
The average community professional in the CCC 2015 survey has a dozen or more years of work experience and more than five years of community management work – but just a bit over two years in their current job. For Community Strategists and Directors of Community, the experience numbers grow, but the time in current role doesn’t change much. What’s that mean? That most community professionals are on their second or third role – and improving their salaries as they gain experience.
How are they finding these jobs? Generally, not through external ads. Turns out only about 13 percent of Directors of Community got their jobs from an external ad. Two-thirds said they either defined their own director role or were approached by the hiring manager directly. So make those connections, work those networks, and be entrepreneurial about your opportunities.
It’s worth it – and turns out it’s possible, too.
Want to get started enriching your community career? Check out the training options for community professionals in TheCR Academy!