Community Manager Appreciation Day 2024 is January 22, 2024. Held on the 4th Friday of January annually, CMAD is a celebration of the people behind the world’s vital online communities.
Someone on our team panicked and thought CMAD 2024 was NEXT MONDAY (1/15) but it is NOT until the 22nd. (Full disclosure: It was me, I am the one that panicked.)
The good news is you still have plenty of time to get your favorite community manager a token of your appreciation. (you could also drop this link in your community and just see what happens…)
This will be our 14th annual celebration of online community managers, and the incredible work they do to keep our online spaces safe, productive, and effective. CMAD is a great day to send a note of thanks to online community managers you know. This might be the person or people that run the employee community or intranet at your work, the person in charge of your online alumni network, the moderators of a favorite hobby community, or the community managers for your company’s brand or support sites. If you spend any time on the internet, it’s a safe bet you know some community managers!
We created a couple of easy to use templates for you to share this year. You can download the images below (or screenshot them) and post them in your communities, or email them along to community managers you know.

And, as always, we created a gift guide just in case you need some idea. (No affiliate links, nothing paid. Just cool stuff we like!)
Community Manager Appreciation Day Gift Guide

- Emotional Support Cactus: Remind the community managers in your life they are resilient and can thrive in even tricky environments! (starting from $16.99 USD,
- Dumpster Fire Desk Caddy/Note Holder: Remind your favorite community manager that sometimes life can feel like a dumpster of actual fire, but they will persevere! ($13.99 USD, amazon)
- Mug Warmer: Sometimes community work gets in the way of a hot cup of coffee/tea/insert your fav bev here. Your favorite community manager can keep their drink at the right temp – no matter how many things get in the way. ($19.99 USD, target)
- Notebook: But not just any notebook with a random logo from a tradeshow! A special notebook that will remind your favorite community manager you care! (starting at $17.99 USD, WTF Notebooks)
- Tiny Work Friend: Perhaps the spiritual opposite of an emotional support cactus, this tiny work friend is there when your favorite community manager needs to vent! (starting at $12.99 USD, etsy)
- Focused AF Candle: Sometime you just need to light something on fire and focus. Handmade in Kansas City by former co-worker/always friend Birdie Hansen, this candle is the perfect gift for your favorite community manager. ($29 USD, Effing Candle Co.)
We also got into the CMAD greeting card game, creating individual shout-outs to amazing community managers we know. We’ll spam linkedin with them on the 22nd, and include them all on our annual CMAD page here.