This is a guest post by Technology Track Chair, Jillian Betjlich.
If there was ever a year for technology to demonstrate its reach, 2020 has been that year. Amidst chaos and confusion, technology has been a common denominator allowing us to connect, engage, and collaborate with individuals around the world. It has allowed us to transition to virtual workplaces and educational institutions, get the information we need instantly, or simply just spend time with a familiar face and voice.
We knew technology had changed how we work, play, and interact, but this year it has truly proven its immense impact on how we live and thrive. Technology is here to stay. (The pandemic and 2020 are not. Phew!)

Behind the scenes of all that chaos, confusion, change, and transition are community professionals harnessing the use of technology to bring about the environments we need and want. We’ve created digital worlds, changed behaviors for the better, dug deep into code and data, and leveraged every last drop of functionality. And we’re so ready to share our experiences, lessons learned, best practices, and more with you.
This year’s technology track will feature live demos, interactive panels, and practitioner-led case studies on can’t-miss topics, covering everything from online community platforms to community analytics and vendor roadmaps. Whether you’re a full-on techie, community nerd, or just getting started, this year’s track is sure to leave you feeling like a platform expert.
We look forward to nerding out with you!
Jillian Bejtlich
2020 Technology Track Chair