Even if your bags aren’t quite packed (to be honest I’d be impressed if they were), there is still plenty to plan for this years premier Community conference, TheCR Connect. As a three-year veteran of the event, I thought I’d take a minute to layout four ways to extract the most from your Connect experience.
Not physically (yipes!), but as “Connect” itself infers, the best way to yield maximum impact is to talk with people. There is an abundance of small breakout spaces built to allow private conversations, and those should absolutely be utilized. Either talking through a strategic plan or just meeting someone and learning about how much they love Game of Thrones, taking the time to know your Community compatriots is time well spent.
Connect is magic when people are involved, and there is no shortage of opportunities to showcase your creativity. Whether it’s taking a new approach to the “big question” board or taking time at the “birds of a feather” lunch sessions, working together helps elevate Connect and your experience throughout the conference.
We’ve all been there. It’s day two of a conference, and it can be tough for even the hardiest to wake up bright and early for a second day of intense learning (although the day long coffee helps this along a good amount). But believe me, the best way to wring value from every session is to be there and be present. If you need a breather (which this group values more than most) that’s totally understandable, but my advice is to not try to multi-task, instead listen and engage with the presenters. It’ll double your takeaways and value, I guarantee it.
This is the hardest advice to give and to follow, and possibly also the most important. Some of the most valuable takeaways I’ve gotten from Connect have been moments where someone raises their hand and shares their experience with the group. Take the old saying “if you have that question, there is a good chance someone else does too” and be vocal in your sessions. Your notebook will thank you.
Have you attended Connect in the past? I’d love to hear any advice you have about getting the most out of the event. If you’re going to be at Connect for the first time this year what are you most looking forward to?