Our State of Community Management research makes it clear: thoughtful content and programs increase engagement and drive the long-term success of communities.
Content and programs are often seen as one collective entity, but they serve two different roles for communities: content connects people into the community, while programs create opportunities for members to connect with each other. Both have value and both are needed.
In this new ebook we share five programs that drive long-term engagement and increase the ways your members connect. You’ll learn about:
- member spotlights
- ask me anythings
- work out louds
- photo sharing contests
- questions of the week
and how to implement them in your community. Pro-tip – it might be easy to launch a new program, but don’t expect overnight success. This is definitely a case of “slow and steady wins the [engagement] race.” Get your members used to these new, regular programs and engagement will follow. Do not be discouraged if it takes awhile – stick with it.