Kyle Pitocchelli is a business strategist and coach, a design thinker, and a functional movement coach. As a member of our Research Advisory Board, he offered guidance and expertise on our community management competency data. Here he shares three thought on the state of community management as related to our 2023 State of Community Management report.
Kyle Pitocchelli on thinking like an executive…
“If you are resource constrained, try to put yourself in the headspace of the leaders of your business. What outcomes are they looking for? Start to build those relationships cross-functionally, to understand what different people have influence, and who might be interested in community- oriented solutions. Understanding what types of community-oriented solutions are possible helps pave the way for future wins.”
Kyle Pitocchelli on building relationships…
“Double down on the relationship part of community. Community can extend across the organization in ways that you sometimes can’t even imagine. Consider at the surface level, and you can extend it to a product, you can extend it to marketing, to sales, to partner management, etc. The more relationships you build across the organization, the greater the understanding of how to create that common value. Not only are you winning new opportunities, but you’re building strong relationships with people who can help support you, and they’ll advocate for you when you need resources.”
Kyle Pitocchelli on being an influencer…
“As a community manager, you really require a high degree of influence across your organization, because community just touches so many areas of the business. Creating relationships and influencing others needs to be a priority. Sometimes that involves politics, and that’s not always fun for a lot of folks, particularly if you’re more introverted, it can be quite the task. But it’s absolutely imperative if you want to create an “organization within the organization” that is influential enough to perform the great work that needs to be done and you’re capable of achieving.”
Download the State of Community Management 2023 to learn more about how you can leverage communities as effective behavior change-makers at your orgs.