For the last five years, we’ve run increasingly dynamic and engaging Connect conferences. Over the course of the years, there was one piece of feedback that we heard over and over – but had a hard time implementing: “We want tracks!”
Believe me, we got it. It’s a bummer to settle into a session only to realize ten minutes in that it’s just not for you. Connect has always been intentionally small, and tracks just didn’t make sense. Until now.
Connect 2020 has changed the way we can think about our content, and by moving from a two-day in-person event to a month-long community celebration, tracks now not only make sense, but they are also a heck yes.
With over 50 online sessions, we’ve reimagined what it means to Connect in 2020. To help attendees find the sessions that will be the most valuable, we have divided all activities into nine tracks. Tracks also give us the opportunity to work with Track Chairs for the first time. Each Chairperson holds deep expertise in their track, and will serve as the member voice and face for Connect 2020.
I’m thrilled to announce our 2020 Track Chairs:

You can learn more about our nine community tracks, and read about our 2020 track chairs here.