In 2015, on Community Manager Appreciation Day (which we like to think of as Community Manager Advancement Day) – and TheCR and members of TheCR Network took an active role in promoting the role community managers play in organizations.
To celebrate CMAD, and with the generous support of Higher Logic, we are planning events in five cities – Boston, New York, Washington DC, Milwaukee and San Francisco. Each event will be a little different, planned by local champions from TheCR Network, but all will feature opportunities to connect with fellow community managers, and the chance to pick up some #CMAD related surprises.
The Community Roundtable and Higher Logic also published the Community Manager Handbook, which featured profiles and input of 20 current and former members of TheCR – people we consider to be community manager superheros.
Also that afternoon, TheCR took part in the 24-hour CMAD Hangout, hosting the 3pm hour with a discussion of content and programming featuring our own community manager (and content and programming whiz) Hillary Boucher.