The SXSW panel picker is up with more goods stuff than ever - 2,219 panels proposed for the interactive portion alone. Oy. Not many people will have the patience to actually sift through all of those panels but we would appreciate your vote for the panel we proposed: Building Social Strategies at … [Read more...]
#TheCRLive – August 14th
On Friday, we had a great #TheCRLive at John Harvard's in Cambridge. The general topic for the conversation was content creation at live events but we also covered: Percentage of women speaking at events (interesting because the crowd was primarily male) Semantics The definition of a … [Read more...]
The Iceberg Effect of Community Management
Starting The Community Roundtable has been a great way to understand better the day to day issues of community managers in a wide array of organizations. There are a few things that come up somewhat regularly: Community managers are under pressure to justify what they do to peers and bosses … [Read more...]
#TheCRLive – July 31st
We had a great crowd - and had a great conversation on Friday at #TheCRLive. We were joined by some 'social regulars' like Wendy Moldauer, Barbara Gavin, Jim Spencer, Joselin "Jose-lean - as in thin" Mane, & Kate Brodock by some new faces - Jim Hughes, Liz Tran, and Christine Sierra. Topics … [Read more...]
@TheCR Live! – Now in New York City
This summer, we've been hosting a series of casual Friday lunches for those in the Boston area who are interested in getting together and discussing the business of community and social media - with some fun thrown in. Our intent is to keep these lunches relatively small, 10-15 people, so that … [Read more...]
Show & Tell: How Community Managers Use Twitter
There are Twitter users and there are Twitter users. For those of us that have been on Twitter for a while, usage has evolved as the applications and the social norms have. In a recent member roundtable with Laura Fitton, it became clear how important the use of applications, hashtags, and search … [Read more...]
A Merry Band
Growing our community has been a lot of fun. One thing that we are learning is that people in online community management have diverse backgrounds - no two career paths look similar. Some people come from marketing communications and PR, some from product marketing/management, some from IT, and … [Read more...]
Enterprise 2.0 – both social… and media
The Enterprise 2.0 conference, while a little more subdued than last year, was a great event. It gave Jim and I the opportunity to meet and catch up with a lot of people - as well as to hold a Crab Tweetup with guest of honor, Connie Bensen. Among my favorite quotes from the week were: Nate Nash … [Read more...]
Got Examples? @TheCR Quick Case
One of the consistent themes at the Enterprise 2.0 conference, like at many conferences in this space recently, was the need for more case studies and ROI examples. Both of those are big meaty things to develop and present - when companies are willing to share. It's partly why so few good examples … [Read more...]
Hierarchies and Pryamid Schemes
I was chatting with Robin Frey Carey last week and I mentioned that Jim & I will consider ourselves wildly successful if every one of our constituent groups - the market as a whole, our members, our expert facilitators, our market research customers, and ourselves & any employees - feel as … [Read more...]