Michael Wood-Lewis, CEO and Co-Founder, Front Porch Forum
If you’ve attended TheCR Connect in the past you know that we don’t always bring in outside speakers. Some years 100% of our sessions are led by our amazing clients. Other years, the stars align and we have the privilege of sharing amazing ideas from new faces – like last year when Heather McGowan joined us to share her perspective on how the future of work and community management intersect.
This year we’re excited to welcome an amazing speaker, from right in our own backyard, so to speak. Michael Wood-Lewis, CEO and Co-Founder, Front Porch Forum will join us to share his experience in building a community-focused organization.
“Common sense and a growing body of research tell us that well-connected neighborhoods are friendlier places to live, with less crime, healthier residents, higher property values, and better service from local government and public utilities.”
Michael, and his wife
You can learn more about Michael, Valerie and Front Porch Forums here. They are even the subject of new film!
TheCR Connect will take place on September 23-25, 2019 in Boston, MA. We encourage community practitioners at all levels to join us for three days of enthusiastic, engaged community learning. If you are interested in joining us for Connect you can learn more, view the agenda and register here.