Our State of Community Management research demonstrates it clearly:
Investing in professional development for your community team is one of the most powerful ways to strengthen your community program.
We offer online and in-person community management training, events, and workshop options for community practitioners.

Part community reunion, part unconference. 100% designed for you.
Join us for our annual community event for three days of learning, sharing, networking, and collaborating. Learn more.
Build better communities with our strategic training.
Expert-led community courses explore everything from the basics of buildinging a successful community, to targeted lessons on moderation, metrics, and more.
New courses are added regularly. All courses are free for members of The Network.
Need to get up to speed fast?
Our expert team of community consultants lead virtual and IRL workshops custom-tailored to your community challenges.
From a half-day fundamentals overview, to multi-day sessions focused on strategic planning, we offer community workshops for organizations and teams that want to build more successful community programs. Contact us to learn more.
Want to level up your community and your career?
Join The Network, and in addition to exclusive access to trusted research, resources, tools, and programming you can take every course in The Academy for free (a $495 value each!) Learn more.