This week in Boston was the annual in-person gathering of TheCR Network members. It's part workshop, part conference, part family reunion, part stress relief. It also provides an interesting temperature gauge on how community program owners are feeling about their work and the future. Here … [Read more...]
Exploring the Transformative Power of Community
How do we make sure TheCR Connect is exactly what attendees want? We ask them. Our annual community conference - TheCR Connect is less than seven weeks away! Believe me when I say things are ramping up at TheCR headquarters and we can't wait to host an eclectic group of community professionals. When … [Read more...]
Big Community Idea: Heather McGowan + the Future of Work
“There has never been a more important time to understand the context and impacts of accelerated change.” As we started to tackle the agenda for Connect 2018 I kept coming back to the quote above. This year, as we focus on the theme “Community Accelerates Organizational Transformation” I was … [Read more...]
The Recognition Your Community Program Deserves
Every day I get to watch amazing community management professionals do exciting, innovative work. The other side of that coin is that every day I also hear stories of how their work go underappreciated, and underfunded at their organizations. If you're an outstanding actor, you might get an Oscar or … [Read more...]
TheCR Connect 2018 Agenda Sneak Peek
I’m thrilled to share an advance agenda for TheCR Connect 2018 - our annualcommunity management conference located in Boston, MA! Communities hold the power to create real change at every level of organizations. Through thoughtful, attendee-led programs we’ll explore how community management … [Read more...]
Save the Date! TheCR Connect 2018 is Next October!
Imagine me sharing this news while standing on my desk, jumping up and down: TheCR Connect 2018 will take place on September 30 - October 2, 2018. Hooray! And even better news? You can lock in 2017 pricing (and use up any 2017 budget you might have leftover!) Here's what attendees said about … [Read more...]
Three Reasons You Should Not Attend TheCR Connect
There are so many reasons that community pros should attend Connect, that it's easy to forget there are very valid reasons why it might not be a great fit for you. Since registration closes tomorrow for our 2017 event I wanted to share three reasons that Connect might not make sense for you. … [Read more...]
Three Reasons You Should Attend TheCR Connect
Our annual community management workshop - TheCR Connect - is coming up soon. TheCR team is busy planning another amazing event - and time is running out for you to join us. We know you have lots of ways to spend your budget - and that your time is at a premium. If you're still on the fence … [Read more...]
What’s the Agenda for TheCR Connect 2017?
October might seem far away but we’re diligently planning every last detail for our annual community workshop – TheCR Connect. Our content team just released the agenda and I wanted to share it with you ASAP! The overarching theme of this year’s Connect is “Telling Your Community Story” and in … [Read more...]
Why Attend TheCR Connect 2017?
The theme of this year's community workshop - TheCR Connect, is "Telling Your Community Story" and we believe that means many things. Some obvious: building a narrative, using metrics to paint a picture, and some not so obvious: defending investments, cultivating stakeholders. Every community … [Read more...]