Every year members of TheCR Network, who are among the world's most innovative practitioners in helping organizations transform their culture and communication practices, convene for TheCR Connect. This year, that looks a little different - and we've staggered sessions throughout the month of … [Read more...]
The Business of Community
Organizations around the world are discovering the immense potential of online community programs. Whether you are scrambling to engage remote employees on an intranet (online employee community), or stay connected to your members and audience in virtually, community can solve for nearly every … [Read more...]
View from the Top: Executive Perspectives on Community
Our research shows that communities are becoming more strategic. C-level executives are often the ones approving budgets and receiving progress reports. This is fantastic progress of which all of us who work in the community space can be very proud. As communities gain strategic attention, the … [Read more...]
Executive Engagement
By Ted McEnroe, The Community Roundtable Getting executives engaged in community has been a challenge for community managers since the beginning of community management. For every social CEO out there, there are dozens of C-suite members who "don't have time," "don't feel the need" or "don't … [Read more...]
Want Executive Engagement? Show Them How to Scale Themselves
We are fortunate at The Community Roundtable to work with some of the leading community program owners in the world - and that means we are able to spot trends early. A few years ago, our members were starting to think about executive engagement because they recognized how critical is was to the … [Read more...]
Getting executives engaged in community? Do it, but don’t forget everyone else!
By Ted McEnroe, The Community Roundtable We talk a lot about executive engagement and sponsorship throughout The Community Manager Handbook: 20 Lessons from Community Superheroes - and with good reason. Our research shows that Best-in-Class communities have sharply higher rates of … [Read more...]
Introducing TheCR Champions: Jennifer Honig
By Hillary Boucher, Community Manager The Community Roundtable. Earlier this summer I told you about the Champion Program we've been working on and I introduced you to our first Champion, Maddie Grant, who has done an awesome job of adding programming to the network with an association/non-profit … [Read more...]
Selling the Value of Community Management to the C-Suite
Far from being a discipline thrust on the most junior member of the marketing team, community management is the future of all management. The ability to inspire and generate value from networks is what will enable organizations to truly take advantage of a digitally connected, global population. … [Read more...]
The Language of Engagement
By Rachel Happe, Co-Founder of The Community Roundtable. Having a well crafted community strategy and roadmap is critical to enabling effective outcomes, but translating that strategy into your engagement approach is equally critical and often overlooked. People tend to communicate in online … [Read more...]
The Social Executive Toolkit: Coaching Tools to Help Executives Use Social Media
Over the past year we have compiled The Social Executive research which has produced deep insights into why and how executives adopt social tools and management approaches.We pursued this research because executive support is an increasing barrier to move organizations forward to the next stage of … [Read more...]