If you are heading to JiveWorld this week, or if you find yourself in the Las Vegas area, we are coming your way and we'd love to connect. Three of our team members will be at JiveWorld including both Rachel Happe and Jim Storer. Here is how you can meet up with us: Anytime Wednesday or Thursday … [Read more...]
Open Leadership and Coaching Executives
By Rachel Happe, Co-founder of The Community Roundtable Over the last few years, as social business and networked communications environments have become more pervasive, executives increasingly became pockets of inertia due to their more traditional modes of communicating and managing. But … [Read more...]
Truth, Innovation and Communities
We often see truth as an absolute but the reality is that our communities define our truth. Even scientific truths like the existence of gravity as a physical force would not be the accepted truth if everyone in the community thought instead that fairies were responsible for snatching items from … [Read more...]
The Social Executive Research: UBM Case Study
As the business world continues to innovate and move faster, social technologies are changing the way businesses communicate and engage with internal and external constituencies. This dramatic change alters both the structure of organizations and the opportunities they choose to pursue. A … [Read more...]
Informed Storytelling: The View From This Research Fellow
Welcome Maggie Tunning, the newest member of TheCR team and of course she has been peer pressured into blogging. Please make her feel welcome. She has great experience and enthusiasm that is already shining through in our The Social Executive Research. Here’s why: One of the things that interests … [Read more...]
Leadership and Cultural Traits for Social Business Success
(originally published on IBM Social Business Insights) Becoming a social business is all the rage. Executives are drinking the Kool-Aid, organizing teams to explore the use of social tools and networks to aid marketing, customer support, product innovation, employee retention and more. And these … [Read more...]
Working in the Social World: Complex Adaptive Systems
Last week I had the honor and fun of keynoting at Defrag. It was my first Defrag conference and I was not entirely sure what to expect aside from knowing it was a forum for deeper thinking about enterprise technologies. I was pleasantly surprised that both presenters and attendees were talking about … [Read more...]
Why Community Management Is Not a Fad Diet
Community management and social business is a discipline, not a discrete set of tasks and boxes to be completed and checked off before you move on to something else. We've written about this before and I was reminded of it yesterday from a tweet from IBM's Vice President of Social Business … [Read more...]
The Social Executive: A Basis for ReThinking Business
Today everyone has a technology tool or solution. You are either the recipient of a social business strategic imperative or you are driving the so called “change.” No one knows yet how they will measure the success – is it clicks, likes or some secret ROI model? And it is one of the most … [Read more...]
The Social Executive: The Imperative to Succeed in Social Business
When I was at IDC and newly researching the social media space, I reported on a world of possibility that was opening up to us and radically changing the way we communicated and the way we organized ourselves for collaboration. But connecting dots in a theoretical way and actually working in a new … [Read more...]