For the last five years, Connect has taken place as a live event, but for 2020 we've reimagined what it means to meaningfully connect.
To help attendees find the sessions that will be the most valuable, we have divided all activities into nine tracks. Tracks also give us the opportunity to work with Track Chairs for the first time. Each Chairperson holds deep expertise in their track, and will serve as the member voice and face for Connect 2020.
Learn more about Track Chairs and view our 2020 Track Chairs.
With over 40 online sessions, we've reimagined what it means to Connect in 2020. From platforms demos to interactive case studies to meditation to wine and chocolate tastings you'll connect with the ideas, inspiration, and people you need to reset, recharge, and plan for success.

The full TheCR Connect 2020 agenda is limited to active members of TheCR Network.
You can learn more about the benefits of joining TheCR Network here, or join today.
The Technology Track is open to community management professionals and enthusiasts. Registration for the Technology Track 2020 is free.
The full TheCR Connect 2020 agenda is limited to active members of TheCR Network.
Members of TheCR Network can register here.
Not a member? Join today.
The Technology Track is open to community management professionals and enthusiasts. Registration for the Technology Track 2020 is free.
Connect 2020 features over 40 live sessions, all taking place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays in October. Events will take place both live and in moderated forums. All educational sessions will be archived. Connect participants will network and collaborate in an event community featuring discussions, platform groups, session archives, and more.
The theme of Connect 2020 is "Changing the Way the World Works" and we are excited to share ideas, inspiration, and connections to help you change the way you, your community, and your organization works to be more innovative, productive, and effective.
How much does a ticket for Connect 2020 cost?
All Connect 2020 sessions are free for all active members of TheCR Network.
How can I be a speaker at Connect?
The majority of our speakers are taken from our member attendees.
If you are currently a member you'll be asked to indicate your interest when you register. If you aren't a member you can join TheCR Network here. TheCR Connect is free for all members of TheCR Network.
How can I pitch Connect as a great investment to my stakeholders?
Download our Connect 2020 Justification letter and share all the powerful reasons Connect is a great investment for any online community professional.
Isn't a month a long time for an event?!
The COVID-19 pandemic prompted us to design Connect 2020 in a safe way that fulfills your desire to deeply connect with peers.
Based on member feedback and guidance, we have reimagined Connect as a month-long community celebration, with sessions running at regularly scheduled times on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week. Keynotes, case studies, product demos, show and tells, and unique network opportunities will weave into a comprehensive agenda – spanning time zones and transcending distance.
All Connect 2020 sponsors will be featured during our new Technology track - including demos, AMAs, panels, and case studies. Bring your questions, and connect with leading online community technology providers in October. Learn more about Technology Track.