Ashleigh Brookshaw has spent her career building community in the insurance, association, and now software spaces, so she knows her way around the foundations of community management. Still, some things surprise her. "You may think people would want to create a welcoming environment for all but … [Read more...]
Three Tips for Building Your Community Team
In our State of Community Management research, we found that 47% of community roles are defined by HR teams, who might not always understand what your community team needs to succeed. A clear understanding of community roles and responsibilities is critical when building your community team. … [Read more...]
Unclogging Bottlenecks with Janet Stiles
Lessons from The NEW Community Manager Handbook is a limited-run podcast series, featuring the 21 community leaders showcased in the Handbook in conversation with Anne Mbugua. Episode Five features Janet Stiles, Sr. Director of Member Engagement at the Association of American Medical … [Read more...]
Managing a Migration with Debbie Kwan
Lessons from The NEW Community Manager Handbook is a limited-run podcast series, featuring the 21 community leaders showcased in the Handbook in conversation with Anne Mbugua. Episode Four features Debbie Kwan, Internal Digital Lead at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer. She … [Read more...]
Building Community Teams with Lisa Tallman
Lessons from The NEW Community Manager Handbook is a limited-run podcast series, featuring the 21 community leaders showcased in the Handbook in conversation with Anne Mbugua. Episode One features Lisa Tallman, VP, Data and Information Management at Easterseals, on building community teams. … [Read more...]
The NEW Community Manager Handbook
The NEW Community Manager Handbook started as a series of twenty-one interviews with community leaders from organizations like Analog Devices, Inc, Easterseals, Microsoft, PTC Software, the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, the World Bank Group, and many more. The conversations, led by Anne … [Read more...]
Best Practices for Community Moderation, or Why Patience is a Virtue
Policies, guidelines, and governance provide the framework and boundaries for your community, but moderation is where those policies are turned into day-to-day management. Direct moderation is the day-to-day interaction and management that signals to members what gets attention—both good and … [Read more...]
Community Best Practices: Architecting the Community that Meets Your Needs
By now, countless organizations have learned the painful lesson: “If you build it, they will come,” only works in the movies. But there’s a related lesson that is a core tenet of community management. How you build it—the shape of the community you create—drives whether the community meets your … [Read more...]
Community Best Practices: Creating an Action Plan
From values, to members, to tactics. Formulating an action plan for your community is where the rubber begins to meet the road. Your action plan highlights how you are going to make this community effective on a day-to-day basis. It needs to take into account the organizational environment in … [Read more...]
Community Best Practices: The Benefits of Starting Small
If you are starting a community today – you are both blessed and cursed by history. Years of research and community development today offer more advice than ever on the best practices of community. But the growth of online communities generally can also set expectations that new communities should … [Read more...]