The Community Roundtable has partnered with Voce Communications to produce a new podcast series, "Conversations with Community Managers." In this series, TheCR's Jim Storer joins forces with Voce’s Doug Haslam to speak with people from a variety of industries about their efforts with community and … [Read more...]
Cindy Melzer on Starting Community Management
I had a serendipitous intro recently with a couple of different people from Isis Maternity - a local childcare retail and services company - and we got to chatting about online communities. They have operated in a community-centric way in the offline world for quite some time - bringing parents … [Read more...]
Tim Walker on Community Manager Vs. Social Media Manager
The Community Roundtable has partnered with Voce Communications to produce a new podcast series, "Conversations with Community Managers." In this series, TheCR's Jim Storer joins forces with Voce’s Doug Haslam to speak with people from a variety of industries about their efforts with community and … [Read more...]
DJ Waldow on Scale Issues and a Day in His Life
The Community Roundtable has partnered with Voce Communications to produce a new podcast series, "Conversations with Community Managers." In this series, TheCR's Jim Storer joins forces with Voce’s Doug Haslam to speak with people from a variety of industries about their efforts with … [Read more...]
Mark Wallace on His Experience with Community
Mark and I worked together at three different companies between 1996 - 2007. During that time we worked on social media and community projects of all shapes and sizes. When he told me he was leaving to take on a lead role in EDR's Commonground community I was thrilled. He has a deep passion for … [Read more...]
Aaron Strout on Measurement and Best Practices
I've been friends with Aaron since he and I were on the team together at Shared Insights. We worked on community projects like "We Are Smarter than Me" and traveled the country recording podcasts with industry rockstars. It was a bit odd interviewing Aaron since we'd tag-teamed so many interviews in … [Read more...]
Conversations with Community Managers – Stewart Mader
Rachel sat down with Stewart Mader (blog/Twitter), the author of Wikipatterns and a recognized expert on technology adoption, to talk about the concept of social software pilots. Initially, Michael Idinopulos wrote a post called "Enterprise 2.0: Skip the Pilot" which sparked quite a conversation … [Read more...]
Conversations with Community Managers – Diane Hessan
Diane Hessan from Communispace is one of the most approachable CEOs you'll meet. When you meet her for the first time she really wants to get to know you and listens intently. It's not surprising she runs a successful social media company given this trait and it's also not surprising she has her … [Read more...]
Conversations with Community Managers – Michael Brito
I found Michael Brito (@britopian) through a mention on Twitter. He'd written a blog post called "Social Media Marketing Will Soon Become a Commodity Skill Set" and it somehow found it's way into my stream. I agreed with the premise and let Michael know on Twitter. We had a back and forth and before … [Read more...]
Conversations with Community Manager – Shawn Morton
I met Shawn last March while on the Innovator's RoadTrip. He joined us for a beer in Columbus and talked about the innovative work he was doing at Nationwide. We soon realized we had a lot of friends in common and ended up at a lot of the same "social gatherings" at SXSWi. Good times! During this … [Read more...]