If you've heard the term "community of practice" and said, "Hmm..." you're not alone. There isn't just one kind of "community of practice" online today. The term can mean something very specific to different groups of people. I've outlined the two major buckets online communities of practice fall … [Read more...]
Community Management Fundamentals
Need to bring someone up to speed on the basics of community management? We just revamped our community management fundamentals presentation and it's a great way to explain the ins and outs of community to someone that doesn't quite get it yet. Check out the presentation: Community … [Read more...]
Community Management FAQs – What is community strategy?
What is community strategy? A successful community strategy integrates social tools and methods with business goals and processes. A good community strategy also aligns an organization’s goals with member needs setting you up to succeed in both keep engagement high and provide ROI. We recommend … [Read more...]
The Power of Advocacy in Online Communities
By Shannon DiGregorio Abram, Relationship Manager at The Community Roundtable. Earlier this week we released the 5th annual State of Community Management report. While the research led to many interesting findings, this year's report provided more interesting data points than ever before. This is … [Read more...]
Connecting the Ecosystem (Video)
In case you missed out on IBM Connect 2014 here's a little glimpse into the conversations that were taking place in Orlando. Rachel sat down with Peter Cardon from USC Marshall School of Business to discuss how businesses are using communities and what form those communities take. . You can … [Read more...]
Community Managers Are the Superheroes of Their Companies (Infographic)
By Shannon DiGregorio Abram, Relationship Manager at The Community Roundtable. In honor of #CMAD last week the great folks over at Get Satisfaction put together the infographic below -Community Managers Are the Superheroes of Their Companies. Besides creating an infographic that is fun to look … [Read more...]
Announcing the State of Community Management Toolkit
By Shannon DiGregorio, Relationship Manager at The Community Roundtable The State of Community Management (SOCM) has been one of our core research platforms and we are excited to announce the availability of The State of Community Management Toolkit, which includes both newly released research … [Read more...]
What Comes After Gratitude
By Hillary Boucher, Community Manager at The Community Roundtable If you've been following our Twitter handle you already know that we've been thinking a lot about reciprocity and going beyond the thank you. What happens next? How do you keep the momentum of gratitude and sharing moving … [Read more...]
Defining Community
by Rachel Happe, Co-founder of The Community Roundtable The challenge with the word "community" is people mean a lot of different things when they say it, but there are few definitions. Joshua Paul at Socious took a crack at this issue and provided some great suggestions on how to differentiate … [Read more...]
Connection, Friend, Member – Who’s In Your Company’s Online Ecosystem?
We came across this article last week about defining your online community to higher ups, and it resonated because people mean a lot of different things when they use the word community. As the article so aptly states, it is hard sometimes to understand if you are "referring to the online community … [Read more...]