We have a lot of semantic issues in the social media/online space. The term community is particularly problematic because people tend to throw it around for any online group that interacts with content. The problem for me is that communities are not about content, they are about relationships. … [Read more...]
Conversations with Community Managers – Patrick Quinn
When we heard that the Kansas Department of Transportation had an online community we knew we had to speak with them. Rachel reached out to Patrick Quinn and he graciously accepted her invitation to sit and chat with her about what they're up to. Patrick talked about how the agency uses social … [Read more...]
The Social Enterprise Service Market
Today, Altimeter Group announced its expansion and the addition of some prominent partners: Jeremiah Owyang, Ray Wang, & Deborah Schultz. While Charlene Li is a force to be reckoned with in her own right, this expansion will make the Altimeter group one of the bigger service firms to arise in … [Read more...]
Webinar: The Online Community Manager – What’s This New Job Really About?
Ever wonder the the heck this Community Manager job is anyway? What are they responsible for and what do they do all day? Even more importantly, do you wonder if and why you actually need a community manager? We will be doing a roundtable webinar this Thursday with introNetworks to tackle some of … [Read more...]
Fall Schedule #TheCRLive – Boston
We originally launched #TheCRLive lunches for a couple of reasons. It is partly an awareness building event that brings a wider circle of people into the discussions we have with The Community Roundtable members but it was also a replacement for the summer BBQs that we missed from Mzinga. We … [Read more...]
SXSW Panel – Building Social Strategies at Fortune 100 Companies
The SXSW panel picker is up with more goods stuff than ever - 2,219 panels proposed for the interactive portion alone. Oy. Not many people will have the patience to actually sift through all of those panels but we would appreciate your vote for the panel we proposed: Building Social Strategies at … [Read more...]
#TheCRLive – August 14th
On Friday, we had a great #TheCRLive at John Harvard's in Cambridge. The general topic for the conversation was content creation at live events but we also covered: Percentage of women speaking at events (interesting because the crowd was primarily male) Semantics The definition of a … [Read more...]
Conversations with Community Managers – Bryan Person
It's a little ironic that I'm doing a podcast with Bryan since the first time we met it was to discuss the best practices and lessons learned he'd accumulated in creating podcasts for Monster.com. He taught me everything I needed to know about podcasting, which served me well at SXSWi when Aaron … [Read more...]
The Iceberg Effect of Community Management
Starting The Community Roundtable has been a great way to understand better the day to day issues of community managers in a wide array of organizations. There are a few things that come up somewhat regularly: Community managers are under pressure to justify what they do to peers and bosses … [Read more...]
#TheCRLive – July 31st
We had a great crowd - and had a great conversation on Friday at #TheCRLive. We were joined by some 'social regulars' like Wendy Moldauer, Barbara Gavin, Jim Spencer, Joselin "Jose-lean - as in thin" Mane, & Kate Brodock by some new faces - Jim Hughes, Liz Tran, and Christine Sierra. Topics … [Read more...]